faq1. Where is Nocrich?
Nocrich, is a village 20 km from Sibiu. A map is available under contact

2. How to get to Nocrich?
By car: a google map is available here.

By bus: There is a regular minibus that goes daily from Nocrich to Sibiu and back. The price is about 2.5 euro/one way schedule for Sibiu-Nocrich, and
schedule for Nocrich-Sibiu

3. Do the locals speak English?
The people in the village speak mostly Romanian. But our Centre Manager will help you with anything you might need.

4. Possible activities:
– renovation of the Scout Centre building
– reconditioning a local small train line
– setting up a scout museum in the tower near the house
– games with the local kinds(school and kinder-garden)
– living the country life – helping locals with animals and daily activities.

5. Emergency contacts:
Main emergency phone number: 112.

The addres of the county hospital (biggest general hospital in Sibiu- Spitalul Judetean Sibiu):
B-dul Corneliu Coposu nr. 2-4, Cod 550245
Tel. +40-0269-215050, Fax: 0269-215434
E-mail: scjsib@yahoo.com

Local nurse in Nicrich: +4 0269582266

6. Where can we do some shopping?
There are 2 small stores in the village. They have everything from food to batteries and clothes.

7. Do we have to bring our own cooking materials?
There is a gas tank, and a minimal cooking stove, some pots, some cups, some minimal cutlery and some plates at Nocrich in what concerns cooking equipment.

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